- Obituary: Thomas Labanc | Teacher and Carrie Furnace tour guide melded talents to educate
- Only in Pittsburgh: The Blast Furnace Wedding Venue
- Connellsville Coke Region research project seeks mine workers’ stories
- Those Strange Structures Along Route 51? They’re Mementos to a Bygone Trade
- ‘Working Class Images’ Tells Valley Stories Through Four Artists’ Work
- Forgotten / Found (video)
- Bourdain’s field notes: Pittsburgh (video)
- Working Class Images
- Birthplace of an industry: Study focuses on ‘little corner of Pennsylvania’ and its role in coal, coke businesses
- Stack Preservation Project for Historic Carrie Blast Furnace Near Pittsburgh Connects Big Steel History to a Promising Future at Songer Services
- Songer Services Helps Preserve Historic Carrie Blast Furnace (video)
- Washington County Company Helps Preserve Blast Furnace Stack
- Rivers of Steel Arts: Transmutation of History and Experience
- Beer + Yoga proves too much to resist
- Carrie Furnaces Turned Up the Heat at Festival of Combustion
- Pittsburgh’s Thrival Festival to return for fifth year
- Rivers of Steel Festival of Combustion Being Held Saturday (video)
- Kidsburgh: forge metal and history at the Festival of Combustion
- 2017’s Festival of Combustion to Forge Art and History at Carrie Furnace
- Walkabout: Carrie Furnaces are a symbol of the region’s resilience
- Beauty blooms in shadow of former steel furnaces
- Sign lays out coal, coke heritage in Morgan Valley
- Preserving Pittsburgh’s Past with an Iron Garden
- Award-winning actor Rylance intertwines the Bard and the Battle of Homestead
- Oscar winner Mark Rylance co-writing Battle of Homestead play
- Event marks the 125th anniversary of the Battle of Homestead
- Fanfare: Renowned actor Mark Rylance joins commemoration of the Battle of Homestead
- Homestead battle still resonates: Speakers will discuss its legacy, current impact
- Hot molten metal casting and live graffiti-style painting workshops among family fun at Rivers of Steel Arts Community Day July 15
- Actor Mark Rylance celebrates the Battle of Homestead
- Preservation Work at the Carrie Furnaces National Historic Landmark
- Carrie Furnaces: a beauty all its own
- Pittsburgh residents don’t want their city smoky again
- Pittsburgh’s Changing Identity (video)
- Carrie Furnace canvas
- Artists Brightening Once-Gloomy South Side Passage with Mural (video)
- Artists work with Graffiti Watch to learn, display neighborhood’s history
- Rivers of Steel (video)
- W.A. Young & Sons Foundry and Machine Shop designated a historic landmark
- Thrival Festival returing to Carrie Furnaces Sept. 29 and 30
- Hammer-In Festival to return to Rices Landing April 15
- National Historic Landmark Designation Ceremony for the W.A. Young & Sons Foundry and Machine Shop at 29thAnnual Hammer-In Festival this Saturday, April 15
- The Carrie Furnaces property is ready for development. What will it become?
- Rices Landing a ‘hidden gem’ on the Mon River