Carrie On!
A Campaign to Establish the Carrie Blast Furnaces as the Centerpiece of the Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area
The Vision
Working in agreement with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County, Rivers of Steel has crafted a bold vision for the future of the site and its role as the center of the Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area. That vision is defined by three pillars of investment—preservation, enhancements, and site activation.
Over the course of the next several years, Rivers of Steel seeks to invest $33 million in capital improvements to (1) stabilize, preserve and transform the site’s two primary buildings—the AC Power House and Blowing Engine House—into an events center, visitors center, exhibitions, and museum spaces; (2) construct a new Arts and Operations building that will feature large metal working and fabrication studios, instructional space, and demonstration areas; and (3) further develop the thirty acre park-like site with river and trail access.
An additional $7 million in endowment funds will sustain and maintain these large, historic structures, the site, and our expanded programs into the future, while $2 million in reserve funds will take advantage of new programs and partnership opportunities that will maximize the potential of the expanded campus and safeguard our fiscal health.
The Transformation
Investments in new facilities and amenities will allow the Carrie Blast Furnaces to transform perspectives on the southwestern Pennsylvania’s rich industrial legacy, while creating a vibrant, optimistic platform for envisioning the region’s future.
Currently only operable during the warmer months of the year, upgraded facilities and additional square footage will dramatically increase annual attendance and expand the scope and scale of programs; boost Rivers of Steel’s capacity to support community partners and mission-based activities; and create new earned revenue opportunities that directly support future preservation.
Significant stabilization and rehabilitation efforts are already underway. The first phase is focused on the preservation the landmark’s historic structures. Phase two of the Carrie On! campaign will shift to overall site development and interior renovation of existing structures to house a new event center and visitors center, followed by a final phase dedicated to new construction and completion of an arts and operations building.
The already initiated stabilization and rehabilitation efforts will continue through 2026. And while the work of long-term historic preservation never really ends, the renovations to the A.C. Power House and the Blowing Engine House, along with the new construction of the Arts and Operations building should begin in 2026. Full operations of the transformed Carrie Blast Furnaces are anticipated to be online in 2030.
Preserving and fully activating the Carrie Blast Furnaces National Historic Landmark as the nation’s premier destination for exploring industrial history, cultural heritage, and the arts will significantly grow our impact and energize our local economy.
Find out how you can be part of this historic effort to shape the region’s future through our industrial heritage: email Chris McGinnis at
There are lots of ways to support the Carrie On! campaign!
Download this resource guide to learn more.
Location of the Carrie Blast Furnaces
The Carrie Blast Furnaces are located in the communities of Swissvale and Rankin in the Monongahela River Valley.
The address for the National Historic Landmark is 801 Carrie Furnace Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15218.