Angela Biederman

Chief Deckhand, Explorer Riverboat

Angela Biederman began working for Rivers of Steel as a part-time deckhand in March 2018.  About a year later, she became the full-time Chief Deckhand, and is responsible for maintaining Explorer year-round.  She began working for Rivers of Steel out of interest for the conservation of Pittsburgh’s rivers, and experiencing its landscape in novel ways.  She holds a Master in Fine Arts degree with a concentration in Ceramics, as well as a BFA in Ceramics.  She continues to make art of various media from her home studio.

Originally from Wisconsin, and having spent a lot of time on the Mississippi River, Angela has always loved exploring waterways and the outdoors.  She holds a Light Air certification from US Sailing and is a member of the Moraine Sailing Club.  She has also taught as Adjunct Faculty at the Community College of Allegheny County in the art department since 2017.  

Contact Angela

Angela is best reached by emailing

Angela Biederman