
Get maps and directions to Rivers of Steel attractions that showcase the artistry and innovation of southwestern Pennsylvania’s rich heritage.

Carrie Blast Furnaces

The Carrie Blast Furnaces are located in Swissvale and Rankin, PA in the Monongahela River Valley. The address of the site is 801 Carrie Furnace Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15218.

Directions to Carrie FurnacesDirections to Carrie Furnaces

Pump House

The Pump House is located at 880 E. Waterfront Drive, Munhall PA 15120, in what is now the Waterfront retail and residential complex.

Directions to the Pump HouseDirections to the Pump House

Bost Building

The Bost Building is located at 623 E. Eighth Avenue, Homestead, PA 15120. Free parking for visitors is available in the lot behind the building which is accessed from Heisel Street.

Directions to the Bost BuildingDirections to the Bost Building

W.A. Young & Sons Foundry and Machine Shop

The Machine Shop is located at 114 Water Street, Rices Landing, PA 15357. Guests are welcome to park in the parking lot near the entrance of Water Street, on the left side before rounding the bend. From there the walk to the the Machine Shop is 400 feet and has a very slight incline. Guest with limited mobility may be dropped off near the front of the building, but please be advised that turnaround space can be limited directly in front of the Shop.

Directions to the Machine ShopDirections to the Machine Shop

Learn more about the events

such as tours, workshops, and festivals happening at each unique attraction.