Alloy Pittsburgh 2018

2018 Artists:
Angela Beiderman, Sara Caplan, Elizabeth Fortunato, Michael Hull, Katie Rearick, Curtis Reaves, Gwen Sadler, Sophia Sober, & Sheila Ann Swartz

Detail photo of Katie Rearick's installation entitled remediation for alloy pittsburgh 2018

Remediation – Detail of Installation by Katie Rearick.Β  Alloy Pittsburgh 2018


Alloy Pittsburgh 2018 opened to the public on Saturday August 25th, 2018.Β  In its third iteration, the project team partnered with four well-known Pittsburgh artist organizations to showcase the region’s breadth of talent and reach new audiences.Β  Partnerships were established with Associated Artists of Pittsburgh, Kipp Gallery at IUP, Pittsburgh Glass Center and Radiant Hall Studios.Β  Each organization sponsored an artist selected from their membership to join the Alloy Pittsburgh 2018 cohort.Β  The 2018 project boasted Alloy Pittsburgh’s most diverse range of disciplines including slump glass casting, modern dance, metal casting, digital video and sewn fabric among others.

My Alloy Pittsburgh experience at the Carrie Furnaces was like an industrial symphony composed by the African American Steelworker’s experience. Their contribution and sacrifice provided a unique rhythm, movement and sound. It was an honor to document their living legacy.

Curtis Reaves, Alloy Pittsburgh 2018
alloy pittsburgh 2018 artist curtis reaves stands in the pyrometer room where his installation would take form

Alloy Pittsburgh 2015/18
Digital Catalog

September 28 – October 26, 2013

September 26 – October 31, 2015

August 25 – September 29, 2018

Learn more about theΒ events

such as tours, workshops, and festivals happening at each unique attraction.