Graffiti Arts

Rivers of Steel’s Graffiti Art program draws inspiration from the underground culture of local graffiti writers, urban explorers, and guerrilla artists who animated the Carrie Blast Furnacesβ€”and similar postindustrial sitesβ€”following the collapse of the steel industry
in the 1980s.

With a reverence for the region’s industrial roots and a strong sense of local identity, these street artists recognized unique opportunities for creative self-expression and cultural production amidst the abandoned factories.

(Above image: Detail of 2019 mural created by artist Martzia Thometz at the Carrie Blast Furnaces.)

Hands-on Graffiti Tours

Tour / Workshop

Learn to create your own graffiti-style masterpiece at the Carrie Blast Furnaces! This workshop and accompanying mini-tour introduces participants to graffiti-style mural painting, style-writing techniques, and painting with aerosol.

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School Programs

Check out our after school and visiting artist programs for middle school, high school, and college classes. Students embark on a journey into the history of graffiti, hands-on lessons, take-home worksheets, and an immersive crash-course into the techniques of graffiti art.

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Community Events & Projects

The Graffiti Arts program participates in various community events throughout the Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area; featuring live painters, hosting demonstrations, and mini-workshops.

Check out Murals on a MissionCheck out Murals on a Mission

Public Art

Rivers of Steel and the Graffiti Arts program has partnered with various organizations across southwestern Pennsylvania to create new public murals. Artists are hand-selected to ensure high quality works. They range from local talent to national and international visiting artists.

See some artSee some art

Learn more about theΒ events

such as tours, workshops, and festivals happening at each unique attraction.