Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this monthly blog highlights an artist each month—from a variety of boroughs—to provide a snapshot of the region’s growing cultural vitality.
About Latika Ann
During the month of August we are excited to showcase the artwork of Braddock resident Latika Ann as our featured artist in the Mon Valley Creative Corridor. In addition to her studio work as a painter and printmaker, Latika also channels her creativity through the Braddock Carnegie Library’s Neighborhood Print Shop. Working with youth and adults across the region (Rivers of Steel has worked with Latika on numerous community silk screening events in the Mon Valley) Latika’s dedication to her craft and passion for her community shines through in all aspects of her practice.
A Message from Latika
About My Work
This work of art is based off of all the events that are going on in the world and my perspective on how it affects me. There are pieces that represent things from the past as well, our history is still so present that even when I’m not aiming to add an element from the past somehow an element from the past still makes its way to my pieces, they always connect back to the issues we are now facing. I try to capture everything that comes to my mind when things are happening in the world. I get a lot of inspiration from listening to interviews and catching a word or phrase a person may say, I’ve also been really inspired by my youngest sister and the protest she has been attending.
My Home
I currently live in Braddock, PA. I like the area I live in because this is home. Braddock is where all my family is and where I have connected with people I would have never imagined connecting with. Although Braddock gets a bad name, people outside of the community don’t understand the love “Braddodians” have for one another. Most of the community knows my family so it has automatically been love since I was young, now that I’m older most people now know me for being an artist and a screen printer at the Braddock Carnegie Library. I believe my work always has some sort of representation of where I am from and where we as a community are trying to go whether it’s screen printing or painting. My job provides me with a lot of opportunities and a large range of individuals to network with. Braddock is like a goldmine and most people aren’t even aware of half of the hidden gems we have in our community. I believe we as a community try our best to support those we really see trying to evolve, there is still work to be done but I feel as though we are making progress in the Mon Valley area.
Find Me Online
Instagram: @latikaann