On view June 12, 2024 to May 30, 2025
Steel mills historically have been, and still are, inherently dangerous places. Workers must always be on their guard, for their lives and livelihood depend upon their safety.
During the course of the twentieth century, many measures were instituted by management, workers, and unions alike to lessen the dangers of the industrial workplace and maintain steady production rates. The culture of safety was ingrained into the everyday work practices of the mill through training classes, films, manuals, posters, signs, personal protection devices, and tools. Working under the belief that repetition is the best way to enforce a message, Safety First became the mantra of every aspect of life in the mill. Reminders were found at every turn—from the locker room to the work floor, and from the meeting hall to the boardroom. Safety was paramount. Safety meant success for all.
Rivers of Steel’s new exhibit incorporates manuals, posters, signs, personal protection devices, and artifacts allowing visitors to experience what workers were exposed to on a daily basis to ensure their safety and promote an accident free environment in the workplace.