Join Our Team! Rivers of Steel is excited to announce that we are hiring! Director of Marketing and Communications – Rivers of Steel is seeking a full-time director of marketing…
Rivers of Steel Announces 2025 Folk Arts Apprenticeship Grants
Photo credit: Alison Zapata. Alison (left) finished a cartonería sculpture with her mentor, Chucho Lopez (right), during her apprenticeship in Oaxaca, Mexico." Rivers of Steel Announces Folk Arts Grant Opportunity…
Rivers of Steel Welcomes Mary W. Murrin as Its Next President and CEO
Rivers of Steel Welcomes Mary W. Murrin as Its Next President and CEO Murrin will be the second chief executive to lead the organization in 35 years. Homestead, PA…
Rivers of Steel Recent Newsletters You can stay up to date with all the fresh news and stories from Rivers of Steel when you sign up for our biweekly newsletter. …
A light installation by Joshua Challen Ice, Aurora, 2024, lights up Mellon Square. Photo by John Altdorfer courtesy Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy. Getting to Know: Shiftworks The Getting to Know series…
This Woodville sign welcomes visitors to the former home of John and Presley Neville. Photo courtesy of Neville House Associates. Community Spotlight—Woodville The Community Spotlight series features the efforts of Rivers…
New Brownsville Mural to Be Celebrated This Saturday Honors the Community’s Musical Legacy
New Brownsville Mural to Be Celebrated This Saturday Honors the Community’s Musical Legacy Created in Partnership with Rivers of Steel and the Mon Valley Academy for the Arts Homestead, PA…
Join writer Sherrie Flick, pictured above, for a conversation about her new book Homing: Instincts of a Rustbelt Feminist that explores a sense of place in southwestern Pennsylvania. Photo courtesy…
Creating Legends: Graffiti Writers of the Past, Present, and Future
Creating Legends: Graffiti Writers of the Past, Present, and Future By Jordan Snowden At the Carrie Blast Furnaces, energy and creativity have replaced molten iron as the leading commodities supporting…
Rivers of Steel Announces Mini-Grant Funding Opportunity
Rivers of Steel 2024 Mini-Grant Program Applications Available Homestead, PA (October 1, 2024)—Rivers of Steel is now accepting applications for its Mini-Grant Program, which assists heritage-related sites and organizations, as…
Rivers of Steel is Seeking a President and CEO Rivers of Steel Heritage Corporation is seeking a dynamic and visionary President & Chief Executive Officer who will continue to grow…
Insider’s Guide to the 2024 Festival of Combustion
An ironworker at the 2023 Festival of Combustion. Insider's Guide: The 2024 Festival of Combustion The chill snap of October, falling leaves, and spooky Halloween décor bring to mind autumn…
Gledaj! sketching workshops explore Maxo Vanka's perspective. Photo by Lynne Squilla. Community Spotlight—Gledaj! Sketching Workshops The Community Spotlight series features the efforts of Rivers of Steel’s partner organizations, along with collaborative…
The 2024 Festival of Combustion at the Carrie Blast Furnaces
The 2024 Festival of Combustion at the Carrie Blast Furnaces Rivers of Steel’s signature event celebrates industrial arts and American crafts Homestead, PA (September 4, 2024)—Rivers of Steel’s signature…
Shiftworks' Write the Rivers workshop with Sherrie Flick explored new ways of including the public in public art. Photo by Heather Mull. Getting to Know: Shiftworks The Getting to Know…
The Golden Age of Carrie Baseball Barney Terrell traces the origins of Carrie Furnaces' baseballs teams from the earliest mention in 1895 through their final season in 1923 in this…
A Conversation with Curator Ron Baraff The exhibition Safety First is on view at the Bost Building through November 15. Recently, Carly McCoy, Rivers of Steel's communications director, sat down with…
Rivers of Steel is Seeking Festival of Combustion Marketplace Vendors
The Maker Marketplace at the Festival of Combustion Be Part of the Festival of Combustion Rivers of Steel is seeking vendors for its Maker Marketplace during the 2024 Festival of…
Community Spotlight—West Overton’s New Heritage Center
Patrons gather with Sam Komlenic, right, whose donated collection contributed to West Overton's new Pennsylvania Whiskey Heritage Center. Photo by Savannah Butler. Community Spotlight—West Overton's James B. Beam Pennsylvania Whiskey…
Summer Internships at the W.A. Young & Sons Foundry and Machine Shop
2023's summer intern, Enrico DePetris, gives a thumbs-up after his first blacksmithing workshop. The William Miller Summer Internship at the W.A. Young & Sons Foundry and Machine Shop By Lynne…
Norma Ryan, former Mayor of Brownsville, Pennsylvania Norma Ryan, a Remembrance—1931 – 2024 By Julie Silverman, Contributing Writer Augie Carlino’s first encounter with Norma Marcolini Ryan was through food, which…
Public Notice Regarding the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Section 106 Review of the Rivers of Steel Heritage Corporation, Restoration of Carrie Furnace Stove Deck, Stock House, and Trestle …
The caboose restoration volunteer crew: Keith Clouse, Mike Lickert, Kevin Scanlon, Shelley Parkerson, Ken Dunay, Matt Kory, and Andy Wagner. Dave Dudjak and Rich Proctor participated in the restoration, but…
Partners for Creative Economy: Workforce Development
Malayna Arambula, now an employee of Rivers of Steel, first joined the organization through a pilot workforce development program. Partners for Creative Economy: Workforce Development Partners for Creative Economy is…
The Historic Preservation of the 48-Inch Universal Plate Mill
The 48-inch Universal Plate Mill as it appeared in the fall of 2022, immediately prior to recent preservation efforts. The Historic Preservation of the 48-Inch Universal Plate Mill After spending…
The front of the LeMoyne House National Historic Landmark in Washington, Pennsylvania, which is currently undergoing historic preservation work; image courtesy of Washington County Historical Society. The Historic Preservation of…
The FroGang celebrates their Lot of Love in Beltzhoover. Photo by Ishara Henry. Getting to Know: Shiftworks Getting to Know is a new column that offers an opportunity to become…
Rivers of Steel Awards Eleven Mini Grants Funding for local nonprofits provides $60,000 for heritage tourism, community development, and placemaking initiatives Homestead, PA (April 17, 2024)—Rivers of Steel recently…
Rivers of Steel Announces Folk Arts Apprenticeship Grants
Rivers of Steel Announces Folk Arts Grant Opportunity Call for applications for the 2024 – 2025 Folk and Traditional Arts Apprenticeship grants through the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts …
A blacksmith demonstration at the W.A. Young & Sons Foundry and Machine Shop for the Hammer-In Festival. The 2024 Hammer-In Festival By Lynne Squilla, Contributing Writer Step back in time…
Coral Penelope Lambert works with five students to pour iron from a smaller ladle while two more students observe during last Saturday's inaugural Intercollegiate Iron Pour at the Carrie Blast…
Sarah Smarsh by Paul Andrews and the cover of her memoir Heartland. A Literary Look at Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on…
Be Part of the Hammer-In Festival Rivers of Steel is seeking vendors for its Maker Marketplace during the 2024 Hammer-In Festival at the W.A. Young & Sons Foundry and Machine…
The Underground Railroad in Southwestern Pennsylvania
Washington County Historical Society's LeMoyne House represents an important part of southwestern Pennsylvania’s rich history. The National Park Service states that the LeMoyne House is one of six NPS-recognized Underground…
August R. Carlino Announces Retirement Rivers of Steel’s founding President and CEO to retire in 2025 Homestead, PA (February 15, 2024)—August R. Carlino, president and chief executive officer of…
Artist Carin Mincemoyer, shown here second from the right, is seated amidst her 2023 installation Trail Meander. Located under the new Fern Hollow Bridge, the artwork welcomes trail goers to…
Join the Team! Rivers of Steel is excited to announce that we are hiring! We are in search of qualified candidates for one new full-time position and for several part-time…
A group gathers around part of the Patterns of Meaning installation at the Energy Innovation Center in Pittsburgh. Community Spotlight—Patterns of Meaning The Community Spotlight series features the efforts of Rivers of…
Rivers of Steel Recent Newsletters You can stay up to date with all the fresh news and stories from Rivers of Steel when you sign up for our biweekly newsletter. …
Educator Opportunity: Exploring the Homestead Strike
A relief sculptural panel located on the grounds of the Pump House depicts the events of July 6, 1892. The Homestead Strike & the Growth of America as an Industrial…
Fireworks at the Point of Pittsburgh. Heritage Highlights—Local Ways of Celebrating the New Year Like so many others at this time of year, we are considering the past as we…
The Crafton Ingram trolley decorated for the holidays at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum. Photo by Gita Michulka. Community Spotlight—Pennsylvania Trolley Museum The Community Spotlight series features the efforts of Rivers of Steel’s…
A peak through The Wandering Wall to the artworks installed beyond. All images courtesy of Rachel Sager. Community Spotlight—The Wandering Wall at The Ruins Project The Ruins Project is a…
This installation in front of the Hazelwood Community Garden is one of many artworks in the community. Photo by Heather Mull Photography. Community Spotlight—Hazelwood's Community Artworks Public art, by definition,…
Braddock artist Latika Ann, shown here at the Festival of Combustion, is one of more than seventy community partners that Rivers of Steel worked with in 2023. From site-specific art, …
Collaborators with the Currents program: (Top row from left) Alison Zapata, Lindsay Huff, Jon Engel, Katy DeMent, Til Gurung, and Chitra Gurung. (Seated from left) Benjamin Aysan and Gloria Bal.…
Ebru, a Turkish water marbling practice., shown here in progress, for the Ebru Heritage Craft Kit. Heritage Craft Kits—Ebru Through an ongoing partnership with the Carnegie Library of Homestead, Rivers…
Hawkins Village Addition by John R. Shrader, 1956. Courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh via Historic Pittsburgh, Detre Library & Archives, Heinz History Center Collection. Share your Hawkins Village Stories…
Community Spotlight—Carnegie Library of Homestead at 125 Years
The Carnegie Library of Homestead, October 2023. Community Spotlight—Carnegie Library of Homestead at 125 The Community Spotlight series features the efforts of Rivers of Steel’s partner organizations, along with collaborative partnerships, that…
Rivers of Steel Receives $1.4 Million from Appalachian Regional Commission’s POWER Initiative
Rivers of Steel Receives $1.4 Million from Appalachian Regional Commission’s POWER Initiative Partners for Creative Economy is part of a nearly $54 million award package and will help revitalize coal-impacted…
Food vendors in the Community Plaza on Eighth Avenue during a 2023 Homestead Live Fridays event. Homestead Live Fridays—A Celebration of Community By Gita MichulkaRivers of Steel’s Homestead Live Fridays…
Kardelens Fiber Arts member Hacer works on the design for an upholstered footstool. Photo by Kirsten Ervin. Community Spotlight—Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh The Community Spotlight series features the efforts of Rivers of…
Festival of Combustion to Ignite Awe at the Carrie Blast Furnaces
The 2023 Festival of Combustion to Ignite Awe at the Carrie Blast Furnaces Rivers of Steel’s signature event expands with more activities, demonstrations, and excitement! Homestead, PA (August 30,…
Rachel Sager's The Ruins Project, Part Three This week we are sharing the final of three articles by Rachel Sager reflecting on The Ruins Project, a long-term collaborative mosaic art installation…
A teen with the Braddock Youth Projects displays the onions she picked on a recent morning at Braddock Farms. Community Spotlight—Grow Pittsburgh The Community Spotlight series features the efforts of Rivers of…
Homestead Live Fridays—Creating Community Through Creativity
Members of the Glitterbox Theater collective: (from left) Tree, Anna, Bailey, Amos, Lex, and Chris at their outdoor showcase during June’s Homestead Live Fridays event. Homestead Live Fridays—Vibrancy Through the…
The Maker Marketplace at the Festival of Combustion Be Part of the Festival of Combustion Rivers of Steel is seeking vendors for its Maker Marketplace during the 2023 Festival of…
Rachel Sager's The Ruins Project, Part Two This week we are sharing the second of three articles by Rachel Sager reflecting on The Ruins Project, a long-term collaborative mosaic art…
Gledaj! Looking at Pittsburgh through Maxo Vanka’s Eyes
By Gita Michulka, Contributing Writer | Image: The Gledaj! The Gaze of Maxo Vanka exhibition at the Bost Building Community Spotlight—Gledaj! The Gaze of Maxo Vanka The Community Spotlight series features the…
A Sustainable Look at the Arts and Grounds of the Carrie Furnaces
Guests of the Green Building Alliance take a tour of the Carrie Furnaces that examines how the site is sustainably repurposed, May 25, 2023. A Sustainable Look at the Arts…
Volunteers Asriel Barnabei, Tom Higgs, and Rebecca Carter join program administration Ashley Kyber (center, right) in painting the pavement for a new parklet outside the Mon Valley Alliance building in…
PSEA Educators Take a Field Trip to the Carrie Furnaces
Educators with the Pennsylvania State Education Association walk through the Ore Yard during their mini-tour of the Carrie Blast Furnaces, on of three activities offered during their open house experience…
Members of the Pittsburgh Swing Dance Community show off their moves at Golden Age Beer Co. while the Boilermaker Jazz Band performs on a Friday evening in May. Homestead Live…
The workforce training program will focus, in part, on the reassembly of an historic 48-inch universal plate mill, seen above, currently located at the Carrie Blast Furnaces, which operated in…
Rachel Sager's The Ruins Project This week we are excited to honor what was—and what is—by shining a light on The Ruins Project, a long-term collaborative mosaic art installation amidst…
Edith Darlington, a contemporary of Carrie Clark, on her wedding day is 1885, photographed by her brother O'Hara (detail). From the Darlington Collection at the University of Pittsburgh. The Marriage…
Rivers of Steel Awards Seven Mini Grants Funding for local nonprofits provides $60,000 for heritage tourism, community development, and placemaking initiatives Homestead, PA (April 11, 2023)—Rivers of Steel recently…
Loralyn Fabian, program manager for the tree adoption event at the Pump House on April 1, 2023. Community Spotlight—Tree Pittsburgh The Community Spotlight series features the efforts of Rivers of Steel’s partner…
Jared Ondovchik at the 2022 Festival of Combustion at the Carrie Blast Furnaces. Profiles in Steel Rivers of Steel’s Profiles in Steel series shines a spotlight on the talented members…
Join the Team! Looking for a Summer Internship? Interested in being an Event Coordinator? Rivers of Steel is hiring. Event Coordinator, Historic Sites – Rivers of Steel is seeking an…
Collegiate women from the 1880s—Pennsylvania Female College, Class of 1888, Chatham University Chronological Photograph Files, Historic Pittsburgh Archives. The Education of a 19th-Century Factory Owner’s Daughter This story is the…
An early image of the Carrie Furnaces #1 and #2. Collection of the Rivers of Steel Archives. The Carrie Furnaces were named in honor of Carrie Clark. She Who Lit…
The dust jacket for William Attaway's 1941 novel Blood on the Forge. A Literary Look at William Attaway's Blood on the Forge A Literary Look is an occasional series that features…
Rivers of Steel Announces Folk Arts Apprenticeship Grants
Rivers of Steel Announces Folk Arts Grant Opportunity Call for applications for the 2023 – 2024 Folk & Traditional Arts Apprenticeship grants through the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts …
A CSX train approaches Station Square, August 2020. Top Five Industrial Transportation Stories Created over eons, as water carved away layers of the Allegheny Plateau, southwestern Pennsylvania’s hilly topography set…
The Pusher Engine, a highlight on the Industrial Tour of the Carrie Blast Furnaces. Photo by Kevin Scanlon. Restoring the Pusher Engine—A Volunteer Story In our recent story on The…
Rivers of Steel Recent Newsletters You can stay up to date with all the fresh news and stories from Rivers of Steel when you sign up for our biweekly newsletter. …
The Historic Preservation of the Carrie Blast Furnaces
The Carrie Blast Furnaces in 2006. The Historic Preservation of the Carrie Blast Furnaces This past fall, when the tour season ended at Carrie, construction season began. Working along with…
Rivers of Steel is Hiring for the Explorer Riverboat
Join the Team! Rivers of Steel is excited to announce that we are hiring part-time positions for the Explorer riverboat! Riverboat Captain – Do you have your USCG 100 ton…
Community Spotlight—Upgrades at Kelly Strayhorn Theater
By Gita Michulka, Contributing Writer | Image: The Sunstar Festival is among the upcoming community events at the Kelly Strayhorn Theater. Community Spotlight—Kelly Strayhorn Theater The Community Spotlight series features the efforts…
By Carly V. McCoy, Director of Communications | Image: The National Heritage Area Act of 2022 A Christmas Miracle inside the Beltway During the final days of the 117th Congress,…
Community Spotlight—Battle of Homestead Foundation
A worker's gear from the Battle of Homestead Archives & Special Collections. Community Spotlight—Battle of Homestead Foundation The Community Spotlight series features the efforts of Rivers of Steel's partner organizations,…
A Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshop As we reflect back on the accomplishments of 2022, one of this year’s highlights was a collaboration with the Archives & Special…
A Preservation Story, 35 Years in the Making 2022 Marked a Significant Turning Point in Rivers of Steel's Journey Setting Out to Save Carrie When Rivers of Steel's founders…
Pittsburgh Edition of Monopoly Available through Rivers of Steel Homestead, PA (November 18, 2022)—Rivers of Steel is excited to share the news of a new Pittsburgh Edition of the iconic…
Homestead youth engage in a group activity across from Dragon's Den, which occupies the space that was formerly the St. Mary Magdalene church. Community Spotlight—Dragon's Den The Community Spotlight series…
Community Collaborations In the past couple of years, we’ve had fewer opportunities than usual for student engagement. However, 2022’s student programs resembled something much closer to normal—and for us, “normal”…
Community Spotlight—Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Historic Village and Fort Pitt Museum
"Life with a Shawnee Family" at Meadowcroft. Community Spotlight—Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Historic Village and Fort Pitt Museum The Community Spotlight series features the efforts Rivers of Steel's partner organizations, along…
Shining a Spotlight on our Heritage Area Partners The Community Spotlight series features the efforts Rivers of Steel’s partner organizations, along with collaborative partnerships, that reflect the diversity and vibrancy…
Exploring PA in a Tasty Way—Culinary Trails This week we are excited to shine a spotlight on the Center for Regional Agriculture, Food, and Transformation (CRAFT) at Chatham University. The…
Community Spotlight—West Overton Village and Museums
The West Overton Distilling Company, part of the West Overton Village and Museums Community Spotlight—West Overton Village and Museums The Community Spotlight series features the efforts Rivers of Steel's partner…
Festival of Combustion Returns to the Carrie Blast Furnaces
The Festival of Combustion Returns to the Carrie Blast Furnaces After a two-year hiatus, the event expands with more activities, demonstrations, and thrills! Homestead, PA (August 30, 2022)—Rivers of…
Community Spotlight—Great Allegheny Passage Conservancy
A ride on the Riverton Bridge with the Veterns Leadership Project. Community Spotlight—Great Allegheny Passage Conservancy The Community Spotlight series features the efforts Rivers of Steel's partner organizations, along with…
A display of pickled and fermented products. Image courtesy of The Pickled Chef, Latrobe. Exploring PA in a Tasty Way—Culinary Trails This week we are excited to shine a spotlight…
Community Spotlight—Brownsville’s Perennial Project
Youth volunteers help plant flowers in the new Hope Park in Brownsville. Community Spotlight—Brownsville's Perennial Project The Community Spotlight series features the efforts Rivers of Steel's partner organizations, along with…
Join the Team! Rivers of Steel is excited to announce that we are hiring! UPDATE: Thank you for your interest. These positions have been filled. Manager of Tourism – Rivers…
Industrial relics inside the Henrichshütte Iron and Steel Works in Hattingen, Germany. Rivers of Steel in the Ruhr Valley Augie Carlino, president and CEO of Rivers of Steel, shares an…
Christ on the Battlefield, a mural by Maxo Vanka at the St. Nicholas Croatian Catholic Church in Millvale, PA. Community Spotlight The Community Spotlight series features the efforts Rivers of…
Strikers from Local Union 1397 in Homestead point towards the Carrie Blast Furnaces. Image from the Rivers of Steel Archives. May Day & the Legacy of Labor In honor of…
A musician plays at Blue Dust during Homestead Live Fridays in the fall of 2021. Reawakening: Homestead Live Fridays 2022 By Jordan Snowden“I feel like when I walk around Homestead;…
A charcuterie board, image courtesy of Parma Sausage in the Strip. Exploring PA in a Tasty Way—Culinary Trails This week we are excited to shine a spotlight on the Center…
A sign greets travelers along the Steel Valley Trail. Community Spotlight The Community Spotlight series features the efforts Rivers of Steel's partner organizations, along with collaborative partnerships, that reflect the…
Image of pysanky eggs created and photographed by Lisa DiStefano-Bauer Heritage Highlights Rivers of Steel’s Heritage Arts program strives to represent the region’s diverse cultural heritage—from traditional, ethnic customs and…
The City of Bridges. All images in this story are courtesy of Jeffrey Bowser, Instagram: fort_frick_412. A Look at the Society of Architectural Historians' 2022 Annual International Conference By Jordan…
A detail Jane Grey Swisshelm's Self-Portrait, circa 1840-1845 / Senator John Heinz History Center, Courtesy of N.N. Moore. Woman's History Month Feature: Jane Grey Cannon Swisshelm To celebrate Women’s History Month,…
Apply Now—Folk and Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Grants Applications are due April 18, 2022. Rivers of Steel is excited to announce the official call for applications for the 2022 – 2023…
Rivers of Steel is Hiring for the Explorer Riverboat
Join the Team! Rivers of Steel is excited to announce that we are hiring an additional part-time captain and deckhands for the Explorer riverboat! Riverboat Captain – Do you have…
Rivers of Steel Announces Folk Arts Apprenticeship Grants
Rivers of Steel Announces Folk Arts Grant Opportunity Call for applications for the 2022 – 2023 Folk & Traditional Arts Apprenticeship grants through the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts …
A detail Jane Grey Swisshelm's Self-Portrait, circa 1840-1845 / Senator John Heinz History Center, Courtesy of N.N. Moore. Jane Grey Cannon Swisshelm’s Autobiography, Half a Century A Literary Look is a…
Community Spotlight—The Ambridge Bicentennial House
An early rendering of the Bicentennial House by Cochran Associates Architects. Courtesy of AHEDEC. Community Spotlight The Community Spotlight series features the efforts Rivers of Steel's partner organizations, along with…
Rivers of Steel Awards Eight Mini-Grants Funding for local nonprofits provides $60,000 for heritage tourism, community development, and placemaking initiatives Homestead, PA (March 10, 2022)—Rivers of Steel recently awarded…
John Mahn, Jr., at work on the Explorer riverboat. Profiles in Steel Rivers of Steel's Profiles in Steel series shines a spotlight on the talented members of our organization's community. …
Josh Gibson with a crowd of young fans. Image from the Josh Gibson Collection of the Rivers of Steel Archives. Community Spotlight The Community Spotlight series features the efforts Rivers…
Join the Team! March 17, 2022 Update: Please note that the application window for all positions posted below has closed. Thank you for your interest in Rivers of Steel. Rivers of…
Community Spotlight: Glass Plate Negatives Tell a Story in Donora
Image: An image from the Bruce Dreisbach Collection of what is now the Cement City Historic District in Donora, PA. Built 1916-1917 as housing for employees at American Steel &…
Artist Benjamin Aysan writes his name in italic letters. Heritage Highlights Rivers of Steel’s Heritage Arts program strives to represent the region’s diverse cultural heritage, from ethnic customs and occupational…
Community Spotlight: Examining the American Dream through the Lives of Black Americans
By Gita Michulka, Contributing Writer | Image: Stephen Towns in his studio by Jermaine Táron Bell Community Spotlight The Community Spotlight series features Rivers of Steel's partner organizations whose work contributes to…
Community Spotlight—Murals on a Mission: New Kensington
By Gita Michulka, Contributing Writer | Image: This CommUNITY mural by Shane Pilster inspired the Murals on a Mission: New Kensington project. Community Spotlight The Community Spotlight series features the…
By Carly V. McCoy, Director of Communications | Above: Artist Carlos Mare, one of the two lead artists for the Industrial Grit and Graffiti residency, stands with cast iron sculptures…
A detail of Jan Loney's Flight sculpture from Alloy Pittsburgh 2021 in front of the stack and stoves of the Carrie Blast Furnaces. Life in the Iron Mills and the Industrial Muse A…
Rivers of Steel Recent Newsletters You can stay up to date with all the fresh news and stories from Rivers of Steel when you sign up for our biweekly newsletter. …
Celebrating Silvester—A German New Year’s Eve Tradition in Southwestern Pennsylvania
By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience | Image: In the Historic Harmony District, the ball is dropped at 6:00 p.m. to ring in the new year on…
Community Spotlight: Harmony Museum’s Newest Display will Showcase how 19th-Century Settlers Worked
By Gita Michulka, Contributing Writer | Image: The Carothers Family cabin in the Historic Harmony District will showcase how 19th-century setters worked. Community Spotlight The Community Spotlight series features Rivers of Steel's…
Heritage Highlights: Bulgarian Macedonian National Educational and Cultural Center
Otets Paissii Performing Folk Ensemble. All images courtesy of the BMNECC. Heritage Highlights Rivers of Steel’s Heritage Arts program strives to represent the region’s diverse cultural heritage, from ethnic customs…
Festive cocktails from the Krampus, Baby pop-up bar at Lorelei, Photo: Tom O’Connor/ Lorelei Instagram @loreleipghBy Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Making Spirits Bright—A Tasty Holiday Happenings Guide In…
Community Spotlight: Center of Life and CMU Create Urban Furniture in Hazelwood Green
By Gita Michulka, Contributing Writer | Image: Project partners from Carnegie Mellon University's School of Architecture and Hazelwood's Arts Excursions Unlimited pose with the newly installed Rocking Cradles in Hazelwood…
Rivers of Steel Receives a RACP Grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Rivers of Steel Receives a RACP Grant from the Commonwealth of Pennyslvania Grant funds restoration of the Carrie Blast Furnaces and the Historic Pump House Homestead, PA (December 13,…
The Ultimate Holiday Happenings Guide for Southwestern Pennsylvania
The UPMC Rink at PPG Place by Kurt Miller.By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience The Ultimate Holiday Happenings Guide for the Rivers of Steel Heritage Area Holiday merriment…
A table set for the holidays, photo by Askar Abayev (Pexels).By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Winter Holiday Cultural Heritage Recipe Box: In Case You Missed It…
Looking Back & Looking Ahead Rivers of Steel's accomplishments in 2021 set the stage for bigger things to come! 2021 was a dynamic year for Rivers of Steel. It marked…
Educator Opportunity: The Homestead Strike & the Growth of America as an Industrial Power
This summer 72 educators from across the country will convene in Pittsburgh for a National Endowment for the Humanities-funded Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshop presented by Rivers of…
“Environmental Science on the Three Rivers” program boosted by Peoples Gas sponsorship
By Gita Michulka, Contributing Writer | Image: Students from Carmichaels Middle / High School look for birds during the Environmental Science on the Three Rivers program. Photo by Jason Cohn.…
Community Spotlight: Pennsylvania Trolley Museum creates ‘Rolling Melting Pot’ experience
By Gita Michulka, Contributing Writer | Image: Open car at Museum Road, courtesy of the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum. Community Spotlight The Community Spotlight series features Rivers of Steel's partner organizations whose work…
By Carly V. McCoy, Director of Communications | Image: W.A. Young & Sons Foundry and Machine Shop in Rices Landing, PA. Photo by Richard Kelly Photography. The Restoration of the…
Picked, Baked, Chopped, and Pickled—Four New Culinary Trails
By Cynthia Caul, Program Manager at Center for Regional Agriculture, Food, and Transformation (CRAFT) at Chatham University | Image: Weatherbury Farms, a stop on the Baked culinary trail. Photo by Emeran Irby.…
Rivers of Steel Presents Memory Scenes: A Kathleen Ferri Retrospective
US Steel, Homestead, PA by Kathleen Ferri, collection of the artist. Rivers of Steel Presents Memory Scenes: A Kathleen Ferri Retrospective Exhibition Highlights the Painting Career of the Mon Valley Artist…
Google Arts & Culture—Pittsburgh: Proud and Powerful
From 1957 - 1974, Jack Boot Displays was commissioned to print mill safety signs for the United States Steel Corporation. This collection is highlighted in the "Safety First in Poster…
Heritage Highlights: Greensboro Pennsylvania Art Cooperative
Entrance to the Greensboro Pennsylvania Art Cooperative's ceramic studio. Heritage Highlights Rivers of Steel’s Heritage Arts program strives to represent the region’s diverse cultural heritage, from ethnic customs and occupational…
By Gita Michulka, Contributing Writer | Image: Community members visit the new Gallery KST to see the exhibition by Women of Visions. Photo by Lindsay B. Garvin. Community Spotlight The Community…
Rivers of Steel Receives a Save America’s Treasures Grant
Rivers of Steel Receives a Save America’s Treasures Grant from the National Park Service Grant funds critical restoration of the Carrie Blast Furnaces National Historic Landmark Homestead, PA (September…
By Carly V. McCoy, Director of Communications | Image: Detail of Jan Loney's Flight in front of the stoves and stack for the Carrie Blast Furnaces Number 6 & 7. Alloy Pittsburgh…
The Carrie Blast Furnaces in 1988. Photo from the Rivers of Steel Archives. By August Carlino, President and Chief Executive Officer Saving the Carrie Blast Furnaces and Envisioning Tomorrow After…
Rivers of Steel Announces Mini-Grant Funding Opportunity
Rivers of Steel 2021 Mini-Grant Program Applications Available Homestead, PA (September 1, 2021)—Rivers of Steel is now accepting applications for its Mini-Grant Program, which assists heritage-related sites and organizations, as…
Rivers of Steel Announces Programs for Alloy Pittsburgh 2021
Bradford Mumpower's vision for his Alloy Pittsburgh 2021 installation at the Carrie Blast Furnaces, a larger-than-life representation of the "greens" worn by workers. Rivers of Steel Announces Programs for Alloy…
Aluminum in a Steel World: Pittsburgh’s Industrial Legacies
Aluminum Illustrations, 1948. Illustration of aluminum smelting at Alcoa. Niziol Collection, Rivers of Steel.By Ron Baraff, Director of Historic Resources and Facilities Aluminum—Born of the Pittsburgh Spirit This August, Rivers…
By Carly V. McCoy, Director of Communications | Image: Character from Mad Max: Fury Road. Image by Jeff Zoet Visuals with J Potosky as Immortan Joe. Getting in on the Action…
By Carly V. McCoy, Director of Communications | Image: Lori Hepner demonstrates the light wand at the Doors Open Homestead Event. Alloy Pittsburgh—Interrupted When Alloy Pittsburgh returns to the Carrie…
A sawdust carpet from the Feast of Corpus Christi at the Holy Martyrs Parish. Heritage Highlights Rivers of Steel’s Heritage Arts program strives to represent the region’s diverse cultural heritage,…
Rivers of Steel is Hiring for Two New Part-time Coordinators
Join the Team! Rivers of Steel is excited to announce that we are hiring for two new part-time positions—an Administrative Services Coordinator and Special Events Coordinator. The Special Events Coordinator will…
Dreyfuss’s Folly: The Origins of Pittsburgh’s Forbes Field
"Entrance to Forbes Field, Pittsburgh, PA." Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Detroit Publishing Company Collection.By Ron Baraff, Director of Historic Resources and Facilities The Origins of Pittsburgh's Forbes…
Where Environmentalism Meets Historic Preservation
Men fish in the Monongahela River in front of the Carrie Blast Furnaces, a recreational activity that is far more common today than it would have been 40 years ago…
Rivers of Steel Launches New Tour on the Explorer Riverboat
The Explorer riverboat travels on the Monongahela River with Pittsburgh's First Side in the background. Rivers of Steel Launches New Tour on the Explorer Riverboat The Uniquely Pittsburgh Sightseeing Tour…
The Explorer riverboat approaches the Monongahela River during the Hardest Working River Tour, which was first offered last fall. Getting to the Heart of the Hardest Working River Kirsten Paine, a…
Ed Parrish, Jr. during an iron pour at the Carrie Blast Furnaces, fall 2020. Photo by Richard Kelly. Profiles in Steel Rivers of Steel is excited to launch a new…
Rivers of Steel Announces Alloy Pittsburgh 2021 Artists
Alloy Pittsburgh 2021 artists tour the Carrie Blast Furnaces, April, 2021. Rivers of Steel Announces Alloy Pittsburgh 2021 Artists New this year: Community-based Artist Residencies Homestead, PA (April 29, 2021)—Rivers…
Functional ceramics by Mary Martin, a member of the Women of Visions artists collaborative. Heritage Highlights Rivers of Steel’s Heritage Arts program strives to represent the region’s diverse cultural heritage,…
Denzel Washington and Viola Davis in Fences (Paramount Pictures) A Look at August Wilson's American Century Cycle By Brianna Horan The Carrie Carpool Cinema season kicks off this weekend with…
Rivers of Steel Recent Newsletters You can stay up to date with all the fresh news and stories from Rivers of Steel when you sign up for our biweekly newsletter. …
Rivers of Steel Reopens Mon Valley Attractions Expanded hours for the Carrie Blast Furnaces, plus new hours and admission for the Bost Building Homestead, PA (April 13, 2021)—Rivers of Steel…
Women of Steel, the production team from the 1985 documentary of the same name— (left to right) Beth Destler, Steffi Domike, Linny Stovall, & Allyn Stewart Women of Steel—Steffi Domike…
Rivers of Steel Announces the 2021 Schedule of Movie Screenings at the Carrie Blast Furnaces
Rivers of Steel Announces the 2021 Schedule of Movie Screenings at the Carrie Blast Furnaces Homestead, PA (March 25, 2021)—Rivers of Steel is excited to announce the return of the…
Rivers of Steel Announces Folk Arts Apprenticeship Grants
Rivers of Steel Announces Folk Arts Grant Opportunity Call for applications for the 2021-2022 Master Artist and Apprenticeship grants through the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Homestead, PA (March…
Kathleen Ferri painting, image courtesy of the artist, by Bob Donaldson for the Post-Gazette. Heritage Highlights Rivers of Steel’s Heritage Arts program strives to represent the region’s diverse cultural heritage,…
By Angela Biederman, Chief Deckhand | Featured Image: Angela Biederman birdwatching on the Explorer riverboat."Birding from Explorer" is an ongoing series of articles by Angela Biederman, Chief Deckhand on the…
Conversations About LightPlay A mini-documentary about the LightPlay Exhibition at the Carrie Blast Furnaces In September of 2020, Rivers of Steel presented the LightPlay exhibition at the Carrie Blast Furnaces.…
Rivers of Steel Supports Rep. Cartwright and Sen. Casey’s Lead on Bipartisan PA Delegation on Bill to Reauthorize PA National Heritage Areas and Uplift Local Economies Homestead, PA (February 25,…
Heritage Highlights: An Interview with Akasha Van Cartier
Drag Queen Story Hour with Akasha Van Cartier Heritage Highlights Rivers of Steel’s Heritage Arts program strives to represent the region’s diverse cultural heritage, from ethnic customs and occupational traditions…
John Hughey & the Legacy of Black Workers at the Carrie Furnaces
By Ryan Henderson, Interpretive Specialist John Hughey & the Legacy of Black Workers at the Carrie Furnaces A Segregated Workplace & A Segregated City As a major hub for metal…
By Angela Biederman, Chief Deckhand | Featured Image: Angela Biederman birdwatching on the Explorer riverboat."Birding from Explorer" is an ongoing series of articles by Angela Biederman, Chief Deckhand on the…
By Ron Baraff, Director of Historic Resources and Facilities | Image of the Josh Gibson with young ballplayers. That Gibson Fellow... “There is a catcher that any big-league club would…
Rivers of Steel Awards Nine Mini-Grants Funding for local nonprofits provides $60,000 for heritage tourism, community development, and placemaking initiatives Homestead, PA (February 3, 2021)—Rivers of Steel recently awarded…
Rivers of Steel Receives New Capacity Building Grant from the National Park Foundation
Rivers of Steel Receives New Capacity Building Grant from the National Park Foundation Grant expands Rivers of Steel’s ability to update strategic plan to include DEAI initiatives. Homestead, PA…
Artist Benjamin Aysan with First Lady Frances Wolf and Governor Tom Wolf Heritage Highlights Communities are built by sharing and traditions are built by sharing across generations. At Rivers of…
Cultural Heritage Recipe Box – Ukrainian Orthodox Christmas
Father John Charest with his wife and son.By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Cultural Heritage Recipe Box: Ukrainian Orthodox Christmas It’s unlikely that you’d hear the date…
Local caterer and food scholar Olafemi MandleyBy Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Cultural Heritage Recipe Box: Celebrating Kwanzaa The holiday of Kwanzaa, observed each year from December 26…
Grandma Rocky's house—Grandma (sitting), Aunt Nancy, Pam's sister Kim and PamBy Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Cultural Heritage Recipe Box: Family Memories Baking up a batch of…
Artist Doug Lopretto posing with a mural he helped create for the Homestead Streetside Gallery.In 2020, Rivers of Steel Arts launched the Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of…
Three young women dressed for the Serbian Pembe dance. Image courtesy of The Tamburitzans.By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Cultural Heritage Recipe Box: Serbian (and Italian!) Tamburitzan…
By Angela Biederman, Chief Deckhand | Featured Image: Angela Biederman birdwatching on the Explorer riverboat. Migratory Bird Sightings While much of River of Steel's activity has quieted down, there is…
Cultural Heritage Recipe Box – Jewish Association on Aging
Residents at the Weinberg Village Celebrating Hanukkah in 2019By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Cultural Heritage Recipe Box: Jewish Hanukkah celebrations began last night at sundown, marking…
Cultural Heritage Recipe Box – G.T.E.V. D’Lustigen Isartaler
Group photo of the G.T.E.V. D’Lustigen Isartaler, PittsburghBy Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Cultural Heritage Recipe Box: Bavarian Bela and Kiki Steinmetz Pater Béla Pater is the…
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony at Historic Pump House Celebrates New WindStax Wind Turbine Congressman Mike Doyle, Lt. Governor John Fetterman, and County Executive Rich Fitzgerald spoke at socially-distanced event. Homestead, PA (November…
The food mill handed down from Sue Carlino's grandmother.By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Cultural Heritage Recipe Box: Winter Holiday Edition The long nights and cold temperatures…
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony to Celebrate WindStax Turbine Installation at the Pump House Congressman Mike Doyle, Lt. Governor John Fetterman, and County Executive Rich Fitzgerald scheduled to speak on November 24. Homestead,…
Exploring the Heritage Area—Ways to Enjoy the Region’s Waterways
Rafting on the Youghiogheny River. Image courtesy of the Laurel Highlands Visitors Bureau.By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Exploring the Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area –…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
By Brianna Horan | Images of Cumberland "Cap" Posey and his wife Anna Posey. The Lasting Legacy of Cap Posey For the nearly 12 million immigrants who arrived in the…
By Jon Engel, co-curator of the Homestead Streetside Gallery | Featured Image: Mural by Darryl Bennett, installed on Seventh Avenue, Homestead. Art for Everyone Especially these days, I often find…
By Brianna Horan | Image: The Christening of the Homestead, October, 1945. From the University of Pittsburgh's William J. Gaughan Collection. The Steamboat Race of the Century In 1949, tens…
By Brianna Horan | Image: An illustration of the Steamboat Arabia by Gary Lucy, provided by the Senator John Heinz History Center Pittsburgh’s Time as a Steamboat City What goes…
By Suzi Bloom, Director of Education | Image of a barge on the Monongahela River by Adam Piscitelli, 2016. Southwestern Pennsylvania's Iconic Barges While towboats and barges are not unique…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
Rivers of Steel Announces Mini-Grant Funding Opportunity
Rivers of Steel 2020 Mini-Grant Program Applications Available Homestead, PA (September 9, 2020)—Rivers of Steel is now accepting applications for its Mini-Grant program, which assists heritage-related sites and organizations, as…
Rivers of Steel presents LightPLAY—a light-based exhibition at the Carrie Blast Furnaces Homestead, PA (September 1, 2020)—Rivers of Steel is excited to present LightPlay, an evening, light-based experience at the…
Westmoreland County Airshow in Latrobe by Bill Rigsby. Image courtesy of the Laurel Highlands Visitors Bureau.By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Exploring the Rivers of Steel National…
Photo: Huffman Prairie, National Aviation Heritage Area, courtesy of the National Aviation Heritage Alliance.Across the United States, there is a vast network of National Heritage Areas, each one designated by…
Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area Visitor Spending Generates Economic Impact of $92 Million Annually Homestead, PA (August 18, 2020)—Rivers of Steel released an economic impact study today that estimates…
Rivers of Steel is Reopening More Attractions In mid-June Rivers of Steel resumed tours and workshops at the Carrie Blast Furnaces. Not only have these programs been well attended, guests…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
A CSX train approaches Station Square, August 2020.By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Exploring the Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area – Trains & Tracks! Transforming Travel…
Photos and Essay by Kevin Scanlon, Rivers of Steel Volunteer Mill Marks The latter part of the 1800s was the era that made Western Pennsylvania a leader in steel production.…
A lifelike figure of groundbreaking journalist Nellie Bly will join Franco Harris and George Washington at the Pittsburgh International Airport. Courtesy of Senator John Heinz History Center.By Brianna Horan, Manager…
Exploring the Heritage Area – Automobiles & Roadways Part Two!
Model Ts on the National Road's Turkeynest Curve, heading down from the historic Summit Hotel. Courtesy of the National Road Heritage Corridor.By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
Rivers of Steel Presents Double Feature Movie Screenings at the Carrie Blast Furnaces
Rivers of Steel Presents Double Feature Movie Screenings at the Carrie Blast Furnaces Homestead, PA (July 7, 2020)—Rivers of Steel is excited to announce new programming at the Carrie Blast…
Exploring the Heritage Area – Automobiles and Roadways
By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Exploring the Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area – Automobiles and Roadways! Transportation keeps us moving, so it’s a fitting theme…
Pittsburgh and the Automobile Industry in the Early 20th Century
Image: A view of Baum Boulevard at South Beatty Street with a view of Motor Square Garden, Pittsburgh Auto Club, and the East Liberty Presbyterian Church steeple. Image courtesy Pittsburgh…
Rivers of Steel Reopens the Carrie Blast Furnaces for Modified Tours and Workshops
Rivers of Steel Reopens the Carrie Blast Furnaces for Modified Tours and Workshops Homestead, PA (June 12, 2020)—Rivers of Steel is excited to announce the opening of its 2020 season…
Reopening Rivers of Steel's Attractions The safety of our employees and visitors is of paramount importance. Rivers of Steel adheres to the guidelines and restrictions set by the Commonwealth of…
We Remember George Floyd: Rivers of Steel's Call to Action to Ourselves and Our Region Rivers of Steel condemns the murder of George Floyd. Starting today, we will work aggressively…
By Keith Clouse, Rivers of Steel Volunteer Preservation Work on the #101 Locomotive A large part of iron making is providing the raw materials to the blast furnaces in a…
By Ryan Henderson, Interpretive Specialist To Collect, Preserve, Display & Share A key component of Rivers of Steel’s mission has always been the collection and preservation of materials related to…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
Understanding Historic Preservation in a Dynamic Frame: The Graffiti Arts Program at the Carrie Blast Furnaces
By Caitlin Frances Bruce, PhD. | Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of Pittsburgh Understanding Historic Preservation in a Dynamic Frame: The Graffiti Arts Program at the Carrie Blast Furnaces…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
By Ron Baraff, Director of Historic Resources and Facilities | Image of the Carrie Blast Furnaces Celebrating Our Industrial Heritage Time has taken its toll on sites such as the…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
By August Carlino, President and Chief Executive Officer An Extraordinary Day of Giving Dear Friends of Rivers of Steel, The hardworking spirit of the people of southwestern Pennsylvania is…
Exploring the Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area
By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience Routes to Roots! You might be a Pittsburgher, a Monacan, a Vandergrifter, a Farmingtonian, or a Rices Landing resident. But if…
May 2, 2020 eNewsletter – A Legacy of Grit and Giving
Giving Tuesday Now | May 5, 2020 Dear Friend of Rivers of Steel— For thirty years, Rivers of Steel has been investing in our region’s communities. Our mission, in short,…
By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience | Image: Group Tour on the Explorer Riverboat National Travel and Tourism Week Let me be the first to wish…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
By Ron Baraff, Director of Historic Resources and Facilities | Image of the Iron Garden at the Carrie Blast Furnaces Nature's Way of Reclaiming a Built Environment When we first…
By Suzi Bloom, Director of Education | Image of the Point from the Explorer riverboat An Opportunity to Explore: City Nature Challenge As we prepare to mark the 50th Earth…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
Rivers of Steel Locally Supports National History Day Competition for Students National History Day is a non-profit education organization based in College Park, Maryland. Each year a theme is selected…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series. Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
Recipes, Customs, and Heritage Keep Us Close during Springtime Celebrations
By Brianna Horan, Manager of Tourism & Visitor Experience | Image of a pysanky egg created and photographed by Lisa DiStefano-Bauer Traditions in a Time of Social Distancing Flowering…
Rivers of Steel Arts is excited to launch the 2020 Mon Valley Featured Artist Series! Showcasing some of the exciting creative professionals working across the Mon Valley Creative Corridor, this…
In compliance with Governor Wolf's mandatory shutdown of non-essential businesses, Rivers of Steel will be closed at least through April 30 Any and all programs during this time are considered…
As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, Rivers of Steel is committed to do our part in to help slow the spread of the virus. Therefore, the Bost Building…
Community Collaborations Attract National Attention
Community partnerships have always been one of Rivers of Steel's core values. In fact, it's the primary way Rivers of Steel works to showcase our region's assets, tell its stories,…
Rivers of Steel to Receive Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts
Rivers of Steel to Receive Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts Homestead, PA (January 15, 2020)—Rivers of Steel has been approved for a $35,000 Art Works grant from…
This summer 72 educators from across the country will convene in Pittsburgh for a National Endowment for the Humanities-funded Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshop presented by Rivers of…
Earlier this month, the Explorer riverboat journeyed up the Monongahela River to the town of New Eagle, docking at Tubby Hall Park for a month-long residency in the Mon River…
Festival of Combustion sizzles with headline bands, extended hours, fireworks finale Homestead, PA (August 15, 2019)— Rivers of Steel and 91.3 WYEP present the Festival of Combustion, Rivers of Steel’s…
Immersive multimedia installation to be showcased at the Carrie Blast Furnaces
Historically Evocative Artist Valery Lyman has long been drawn to places around the country that are, as she puts it, “historically evocative.” And in her opinion, Pittsburgh and its surrounding…
6 Ways to Explore the Outdoors with Rivers of Steel this June
Summer is officially here this Friday, and we've got some seriously amazing events lined up in the next two weeks that you don't want to miss out on. Twilight Soiree…
Rivers of Steel kicks off Homestead First Fridays with a new site-specific art installation at the Bost Building This Friday night Homestead’s historic Eighth Avenue will light up like never…
Quantum Theatre Stages KING LEAR at Carrie Blast Furnaces Hammer time: Local blacksmith shares his craft 10 Fantastical Places to See Street Art in Pittsburgh Industrial buildings tell Pittsburgh's story.…
About Curtis Reaves When Curtis Reaves applied to be an artist-in-residence for Alloy Pittsburgh 2018, his artistic vision for a site-specific work at the Carrie Blast Furnaces was nearly fully…
December Where is the Mon Valley? October 2018 Pittsburgh Smart 50 honorees Mon Valley students learn about science on the Mon Who's Looking Out for Pittsburgh When the Sun Goes…
December Cal U honors students premier digital stories on regional historic sites November Obituary: Thomas Labanc | Teacher and Carrie Furnace tour guide melded talents to educate Only in Pittsburgh:…
December Allegheny County begins process to reopen Hot Metal Bridge between Munhall and Swissvale September Festival Review: Thrival taps into a hotbed of potential at Carrie Furnaces Thrival Music Festival:…
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